Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Freedom of speech and freedom of the press Research Paper

Freedom of speech and freedom of the press - Research Paper Example That kind of investigative journalism is correct and appropriate when supported with documents, interviews and other primary sources. However, it has been the scenario that journalist exaggerate such scandals tainting public image of those people involved. There is no proper investigation done or factual accuracy and relevance of the information to the society put into consideration. (Stephens, 2007) Media have epitomized the freedom of the press at the expense of national as well as global security. For example in many cases, media have used terrorism reports to attract audiences. There has been no consideration of the victims of terror attacks but as long as the information hit the headlines. The media have been used to meet the objectives of terrorists such as gaining publicity for their activities, frightening populations and gaining members (Kellner, 2014). In conclusion, use of sensitive or controversial information to attract large audiences has adverse effects to the society by reporting information which only make a considerable story or which can hit the headlines without regard of factual accuracy or social relevance. There is misinterpretation of exaggerated information and diversion of people’s attention from relevant issues of the society to insignificant

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

INGOs FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL ORGANISATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

INGOs FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL ORGANISATION - Essay Example There are four basic areas where Food and agriculture organization practices its knowledge. The expertise of staff such as fisheries, foresters, agronomists, nutritionists, and statisticians, social scientists, and livestock specialists is used to collect, examine and distribute the help for development. Second area of FAO practices is to share the expertise of policy. It gives its member countries an arena to deduce policies for agriculture, bolstering planning and also coming up with efficient legislation and making the global strategies to accomplish rural development and also hunger elimination in the world. The third aspect of FAO practices is to provide a platform for nations to meet. On a certain day, various policy makers and experts all around the world summon together at the headquarters to come up with agreements on agriculture and food issues. Food and Agriculture Organization provides a platform where both affluent and poor countries abide by widespread comprehension. The power of knowledge is implemented at FAO as there are thousands of field projects carried out all over the globe. It assembles and comes up with money which is given by developed nations, banks and other sources to ensure that projects accomplish their objectives. FAO also provides the nominal know-how and in many instances, an incomplete source of knowledge is provided. In times of turmoil, FAO works in collaboration with World Food Program and also with other charitable agencies to safeguard the livelihoods of rural areas and assist people in rebuilding their lives.2 Food and Agricultural Organization gives a huge range of the expert bodies and intergovernmental organizations which are both regional and global an area which deals with several agriculture, forestry, food, and fisheries industries. FAO plans and comes up with specialist meetings on huge development issues