Monday, January 27, 2020

Recruiting Local Nationals in Expatriate Security Companies

Recruiting Local Nationals in Expatriate Security Companies Title Sustained outbreaks of violence in different areas of the world have opened up extensive opportunities for specialised security companies. One of the greatest challenges facing expatriate security companies in hostile regions concerns the recruitment of local people for security operations. With the dissertation focusing on this particular area, it is proposed to title the assignment as follows: Challenges and Complexities of  Recruitment of Local Nationals in Expatriate Security Companies in Hostile Regions:  A study with reference to the position in Iraq Aims and Objectives Hopes of a peaceful denouement to the violence ridden situation in Iraq evaporated within weeks of the US organised invasion of the country in March 2003. More than five years after the invasion, (which was followed by the installation of an elected government), acts of violence continue to be regular and widespread. Initial hopes among observers, as well as of corporate managements interested in participating in the rebuilding of the devastated country, of the military coalition taking up the responsibility for maintaining peace and ensuring an environment conducive to growth and development have been belied by the large scale violence that has continued to occur in the region and the helplessness of the overstretched occupying forces in controlling it. The inadequacy of the military in controlling risks and minimising danger to civilian life and property in Iraq have opened up a window of opportunity for numerous western security companies who have entered the area and are now actively involved in providing a range of security services to local and international as well as private and government organisations. â€Å"The private military and security companies that have stepped into this security vacuum range from large, relatively well-known concerns such as DynCorp and Vinnell of the US, which are training the new Iraqi police and army respectively to smaller operations such as Olive Security of the UK. ‘There is quite a bit of business out there,’ says Harry Legge-Bourke, for Olive. ‘From our point of view, it just gets better all the time.’† (Catan and Fidler, 2003) Whilst the majority of these expatriate security companies depend extensively on westerners, mostly people with experience in military, para-military and police functions, to man their key positions, local Iraqi nationals are increasingly being drafted into these organisations. Iraqis are far cheaper than expatriates to recruit and employ, possess valuable knowledge about local customs, traditions and cultures, speak the local language, and are often far more acceptable to the local population than foreigners. Many of them are also extremely suitable for the responsibilities needed for jobs in security agencies. Recruitment of local nationals is however also associated with a number of problems, namely the possibility of infiltration of security companies by people with disruptive intentions, the lack of adequate training of prospective employees, the possibility of such employees being intimidated by insurgents, and the likelihood of their being seen as collaborators by members of their community. Very obviously recruitment of local Iraqis by expatriate security companies in Iraq, though essential for their success and effectiveness, is an extremely complex and multifaceted task. This assignment aims to study the topic of recruitment of local nationals by expatriate security companies in Iraq in detail, delving into the causes of their problems, the likely impact of such problems on the operations of security companies, client needs and demands, the options available to security companies in the recruitment of local employees, and the actions being taken by them to overcome various challenges. A dissertation of this nature, along with its findings and recommendations, could be instructive and informative for all people associated with the running or utilisation of security companies, especially so in hostile or violence prone regions. Managements of companies intending to set up operations in such areas could also find it helpful in shaping their perspectives and in crystallising their plans. Methodology Much of the information required for this dissertation will need to be obtained from available material on the subject; books, journal articles, research assignments, and magazine and newspaper articles. With the post war phase in Iraq having entered its fifth year, substantial material has already been generated, both online and by way of hard copy publications. It is proposed to base this dissertation primarily on a detailed study of available literature on the running of large and small security companies, their challenges and opportunities, the evolution of the post war situation in Iraq, the security situation in the region, the complexities of local cultures, traditions and customs, the challenges associated with the running and staffing of security companies in the region, the issues involved in recruiting and utilising local staff, and the actual actions of security companies in the region. Whilst substantial information is available on the topic and it is proposed to access and use the same for the purpose of the dissertation, the assignment will be aided greatly if primary information can be obtained from managers of security companies operating in Iraq and other such disturbed areas. Endeavour will accordingly be made to secure appointments with managers in such agencies for obtaining relevant data. A number of books and articles, listed in the references section at the end of the assignment, have already been accessed on the topic. Articles by Flores and Earl (2004), Cole (2004), and Catan and Fidler (2003) have been illuminating. The book â€Å"Private Military and Security Companies, Chances, Problems, Pitfalls and Prospects† by Jager and Kummel (2007), being anthological in nature and containing a full chapter devoted to Iraq, has been particularly helpful in increasing my understanding of the subject. Substantial additional information, currently under mining, is also proposed to be used for the purpose of the dissertation. Time Plan Whilst a certain amount of information has already been accessed, I propose to devote a significant proportion of the time at my disposal to obtaining additional information and collating it coherently for the dissertation. I shall also make efforts to obtain at least a couple of interviews with managers of security companies with operations in difficult and hostile foreign terrain. The rest of the time at my disposal will be devoted to writing up the dissertation, which will consist of finalising the research hypothesis, writing a coherent and well structured Literature Review and the putting together (if possible) of the interview transcripts; this shall be followed by detailing the methodology, arriving at the findings, analysing the same, testing the hypothesis, and coming to conclusions and recommendations. I plan to devote 10 % of the time available to revision, self-assessment, corrections, and smoothening out the dissertation. The next section details the structure I propose to follow for the purpose of the dissertation. Structure I plan to follow an orthodox dissertation structure, beginning with a short and concise abstract, followed by the table of contents. The body of the dissertation is proposed to be divided into the introduction, methodology, literature review, findings and analysis, conclusion and recommendations, appendices and tables, and the bibliography. The introduction will consist of an overview section followed by the framing of the research hypotheses. In the literature review I propose to devote separate sections to the origin and growth of the security services business, connected human resource issues, problems in hostile and violence prone foreign settings, and staffing including recruitment and utilisation of local personnel. The next section will focus on findings and analysis. The concluding chapter will be devoted to drawing conclusions, detailing recommendations and laying down the limitations of the assignment. References Boim, I., Smith, K, (1994, February) Detecting Weak Links in Executive Armour. Security Management, 38, 50+ Catan, T Fidler, S, (2003), The military can’t provide security, nettime, Retrieved July 16, 2008 from Cole, J, (2004), US Mistakes in Iraq,, Retrieved July 16, 2008 from Cox, D. (2001), Close Protection: The Politics of Guarding Russias Rulers. Westport, CT: Praeger. Flores, T Earl, J (2004), What are security lessons in Iraq, Security Management, Retrieved July 16, 2008 from Jager, C Kummel, G (2007), Private Military and Security Companies, Chances, Problems, Pitfalls and Prospects, An anthology of new PMC and PSC scholarship, VS Verlag Leach, N. S. (1990, February). Executive Protection: An Ironclad Defense. Security Management, 34, 84+ Montana, P. J. Roukis, G. S. (Eds.). (1983). Managing Terrorism: Strategies for the Corporate Executive. Westport, CT: Quorum Books. Nocella, H. A. (1990, February). Executive Protection: Bandaging Bruised Egos. Security Management, 34, 89+ Oatman, R.L., (1999), The art of executive protection, Baltimore, Noble House Rogers, B, (2007), Iraq’s Northern Kurdish area offers business opportunity, VOA, Retrieved July 19, 2007 Simovich, C. J. (2004, October). To Serve and Protect: Long before an Executive Plans a Trip, Security Should Have a Plan for Handling the Executive Protection Component. Security Management, 48, 72+

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Ruse’s Argument

The primary argument of Michael Ruse regarding genetic engineering is that it is very possible to proceed with the scientific method of biological entity without harming the spiritual aspect of what most religions, specifically with Christianity teach about the natural tendency of existence. His main argument is that it is possible to reconcile religion with Evolutionary Theory (Wikipedia, 2007). The stigma of creating a world of regret and blasphemy is no longer a valid reason why biological nature should be abandoned whereas it cold significantly harnessed to lead to the development of the human population. This caused some high criticisms over ethics and religious groups who were able to consider the argument of Ruse to be a serious matter. In comparison with Glover and the CRG’s view, the main aspect that differentiate them from Michael Ruse’s argument is the fact that genetic engineering should only be used restrictively if it is to be used for genetic therapy which they think as morally right whereas it would be morally wrong if the process is to select only the trait to be modified without the consideration for the greater net welfare of the organism (Umass, 2005). This is the same principle that makes the stand of the Council for Responsible Genetics. They insist that there should be an agreement on the proper code of responsibility when dealing with the manipulation of the genes of any organisms. Such act will definitely minimize the possible drawbacks of taking the power to change nature. This will ensure that the primary goal of genetic manipulation is to address the need to make it beneficial for the betterment of mankind. References: Wikipedia. 2007. Michael Ruse. Wikepedia-The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved May 9, 2007 from Umass. 2005. Glover: Objection on Genetic Engineering. Umass Office of Information technologies. Retrieved May 9, 2007. Peter Singer-Bernard Rollin There is a good comparison between Peter Singer’s approach to the ethical values for animals and Bernard Rollin’s perception on how to take care of the human’s appeal to animals. On the part of peter singer, he intends to provide a clear view of treating animals as somewhat equal to the dignity of the humans. He lobbied for the special treatment on other organisms to be treated also as humans who have rights and privileges of living a peaceful and safe life. He has started the animal liberation movement which dramatically intends to free the animals from the intention of humans to use them for their commodities. On the other hand, Bernard Rollin plays an important role in signifying that science is never actually separated form ethics. In fact, science is full of ethical values. When it comes to animal sciences and suffering, he notes, there is an implied value-based ethical decision made whenever an animal's suffering or welfare is considered subservient to science or industry (The Pew, 2004). Emotivism is used in the argument of Singer while Rollin’s is implying Cultural Relativism. In searching for the better argument, the ethics provide by the Peter Singer is much more adhered to the true notion of ethics. His intention to set free the animals from human commercial use though genetics is directly capturing the essence of letting them live how nature intended them to survive. On the part of Rollin’s arguments, it can’t be denied that he also has a good approach in setting a standard notion about ethics and science. However, he missed the general point of protecting the animals but rather concentrates on the general perspective of influencing the people to lay down the fundamentals of ethical values. References: The Pew. 2004. Bernard Rollin: Of Animal Science and Ethics. The Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology. Retrieved May 9, 2007. O’Rourke, Kevin. 1986. Various Ethical Systems. Retrieved May 9, 2007 from . ; ;

Friday, January 10, 2020

Managing Human Resources Essay

This assissment is going to be about Human Resource Management and it’s going to contain information about different perspectives of human resources management and what the role involves. . HRM system is based on HR system , both work together to the same way. The example is HR strategies defining the direction in which HRM intends to go. We got few models of HRM , one I want to describe is Guest’s Model of HRM. David Guest’s model of HRM has 6 dimensions of analysis : HRM strategy HRM practices HRM outcomes Behaviour outcomes Performance outcomes Financial outcomes This model is prescriptive in the sense that it is based on the assumption that HRM is different from traditional personal management. How guest’s model is adopted in Harrods? In my opinion is adopted by having similar commitments for example the Guest model is prescriptive on the sense that it is bases on the assumption that HRM is distinctively different from traditional personnel management and rotted in strategic management. Also the Guest’s model of HRM outcomes are fairly similar as Harrods engages employees to continues success of the business by committing to what they are doing and one of the outcomes that the Guest’s model states is commitment. David Guest’s analysis financial outcomes in his model of HRM and when looking at the financial outcome at Harrods, we can see that they are loosing money due to the employee turnover. When looking at the case study it shows that the research that has been done about the turnover indicates that the employee turnover has significant cost and performance effects to the business. For example the employee turnover at Harrods measures the rate at which employees leave their employer normally after one year. The claim of the Guest model that it is superior to others is partly justified in the sense that it clearly maps out the field of HRM and delineates the inputs and outcomes. But the dynamics of people management are so complex that no model (including the Guest model) can capture them comprehensively. P. 1. 2 The purpose of HRM is to ensure that the employees of an organization are used in such a way that the employer obtains the greatest possible benefit from their abilities and the employees obtain both material and psychological rewards from their work. Personnel management is the traditional approach to managing. It deals with the reactive side, which are rules, and regulations, wages, pension, and leave administration. It is administrative in nature. Human Resource Management are people oriented an treats employees as an asset. It is the modern approach to managing an organisation and people in the organisation. It is the proactive side of managing which puts people first. The term â€Å"industrial relations† has developed both a broad and a narrow meaning. Industrial relations is increasingly being called employment relations or employee relations because of the importance of non-industrial employment relationships. Industrial relations has three faces: science building, problem solving, and ethical. In the science building phase, industrial relations is part of the social sciences, and it seeks to understand the employment relationship and its institutions through high-quality, rigorous research. From this perspective, an industrial relation covers all aspects of the employment relationship, including human resource or personnel management and employee relations. The difference between personnel management and human resource management is that personnel management basically deals with the employees, for example they deal with payroll recruitment. Where the HRM deals with the management of the work force, training and the well-being of all employees. Also we can say that Human Resources is to incorporate and develop personnel management tasks, while at the same time seeking to create and develop teams of workers to the advantage of the organization. Personnel management comprises mainly of administrative tasks that are considered to be traditional and routine. The Human Resources management at Harrods helps to build a competitive edge by positively getting involving the employees. The HRM at Harrods use an appropriate leadership style and they use two-way communication, which is very effective as it allows information to be passed on correctly and quickly. Similar organization which adopted IR practice and Personal is NHS. The NHS UK practice managers work within the primary care sector, where they manage the overall running of general practices surgeries. Practice managers come from a variety of backgrounds and do not necessarily need to be a qualified healthcare professional. Industrial relations in the UK health care sector are characterised by high levels of social dialogue and joint regulation, particularly in the public part of the sector. P. 1. 3 At Harrods the role of the line manager is to encourage communication targets and advice to employees through face-to-face interactions. This might involve sitting down in the staff room, or in a more formal setting, to agree objectives and to give advice about improvements and new ways of working. Acting as a coach helps the line managers to develop their managerial skills, build relationships and reinforce trust at Harrods. Employees play the most vital role in HRM because they are the key advantage and we also must remember that high-performing and innovative employees are the foundation of productivity. Some major implications for HRM are, they can set direction and implement a company strategy, which builds commitment to what they do. Employees at Harrods help to develop performance metrics for on going improvements in the business. In order to increase the productivity at Harrods the line manager or HRM support their employees by communicating effectively and giving them regular feedback on their performance and by them doing that it decreases the errors and frustration caused to employees at work. Also an effective reward system for employees at Harrods motivates them towards better performance. Non-monetary factors like better status can motivate employees in addition.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Human Genetic Engineering Ethical Or Not - 1117 Words

Kendal Gower Professor Fountain English 101 17 September 2014 Human Genetic Engineering: Ethical or Not? If man could prevent his child from having Tay Sachs Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Down Syndrome and other life threatening genetic disorders, should he be able to? Using human genetic engineering, scientists have developed the skills and techniques to do just this. Human genetic engineering, however, is fairly new in the science world and many questions and unresolved problems still remain. This technology is the center of many arguments in the science world when debating the ethical standpoint (Cyranoski). Both sides have their arguments; however, the pros will far out weigh the cons when the technology is perfected and used under strict rules and regulations. Human genetic engineering is one of the most controversial topics in the field of science that has the potential to improve the human species for the better as a whole, and I support the use of this technology. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) codes the genetic information for the transmission of inherited traits and is found in the nucleus of a cell. The basic unit of DNA, the nucleotide, is composed of a nitrogen base, 5 five-carbon sugar, and phosphate; the sequence of nucleotides determines what gene is expressed. Basically, DNA is the â€Å"million dollar blueprint,† consisting of all the genetic information necessary for making proteins. Although nucleotide excision repair is a mechanism used to correct mutations afterShow MoreRelatedGenetically Modified Animals : Genetic Engineering1518 Words   |  7 Pagesgene technology I hope to share some understanding in the process of gene transfer in animals, the process of obtaining genetically engineered animals, and analyze the social and moral implications associated with this gene technology in animals. Genetic modification of animals started thirty years ago with the production of genetically modified mice. 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